
John Dennis jdennis at
Sat Jan 12 19:39:57 CET 2008

adnan deura wrote:
> hello
> i am given a project of installing freeRADIUS 1.1.7 on fedora core 7.
> i am unable to go next to the step "radiusd -x"

radiusd is located in /usr/sbin so you can't just type radiusd unless 
/usr/sbin is in your path, which it won't unless you're root.

Also, the radius server is normally started with an init script

% service radiusd start

To start on boot

% chkconfig radiusd on

> kindly tell me some method to install it
> please help
> i have installed fedora core 7 on VmWare 5.5 and that on windows xp.
> do i need more than one computer to install this.
> i am a student at university 3rd year
> BSc computer science
> help me please

The F-7 repositories have 1.1.5, the F-8 repositories have 1.1.7

% yum install freeradius\*
John Dennis <jdennis at>

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