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David Wood david at
Mon Jan 14 12:37:31 CET 2008

Hi there,

In message <BLU112-W865D75227F8F18C661127CC460 at phx.gbl>, adnan deura 
<adnandeura at> writes
>i am given the task of installing freeradius 1.1.7 on fedora core 7 for my
>computer networking course's final project.

The documentation is out there - but we're not here to do your project 
for you.

There's plenty of documentation in the files shipped with the server, 
there's more in the wiki, and, of course, there's the archives of this 
mailing list - which are all available on the web.

Read the RADIUS RFCs. See if you can find a wireless access point that 
will do WPA Enterprise (many fairly cheap units will), and set up 
FreeRADIUS in that setup using different EAP types.

There's much, much more that you can do - but that should get you 

Best wishes,

David Wood
david at

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