SQLippool problems (duplicate IPs handed out).

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Mon Jan 14 13:44:15 CET 2008

Dave wrote:
> I use the sql IP pool setup with mysql, and been using it fine for a
> while, but I have a problem where if I have an influx of connections at
> one time (30++)  That freeradius will hand out an IP to my NAS, but it
> doesnt get written to the database fast enuff and another thread of
> freeradius hands out the same IP to another user, and logs that entry to
> the radippool table.  So I get users with duplicate IP addresses.. 

  From my reading of the code, it's because the SQL IPPool module does
multiple queries *outside* of a transaction.  The SQL code in rlm_sql
does one transaction per query, but that's not what you want.

  Alan DeKok.

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