Problem with Max-Daily-Session

Gabriele Giuliani g.giuliani at
Fri Jan 18 17:43:54 CET 2008

As entitled, with my office we have installed at a library town a server 
with Ubuntu 7.10, Freeradius and Chilispot to
ensure  wireless navigation to users with their notebooks from the local 
The access point is configured without any authentication, anyone can 
connect, authentication is performed by the
server radius, which are stored registered users who are entitled to 
navigation (etc / freeradius / users), for simplicity
we have not used SQL;
Everything works great: Users come, authentify and happy surfing, what 
we fail to do is set the maximum daily
navigation (which in our case should be 2 hours), the Daily-Session-Time 
works, after 2 hours of connection users
are disconnected, only they can safely again for another 2 hours, which 
we would like to avoid (a maximum of 2 hours
of daily connection); this is our configuration file 
(etc/freeradius/radiusd.conf ) of the "counter module":

counter daily {
filename = ${raddbdir}/db.daily
key = User-Name
count-attribute = Acct-Session-Time
reset = daily
counter-name = Daily-Session-Time
check-name = Max-Daily-Session
allowed-servicetype = Framed-User
cache-size = 5000

Do we need to set some other parameter somewhere else?

Any advice is welcome

Thanks for the answers :)

Gabriele Giuliani

STUDIO 16 64 S.r.l.
Via degli Abeti, 52
61100 PESARO

Tel. 0721 0130897
Fax. 06 452215814
Cell. 329 9503621 

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