rlm_dbm segfault debug

Patrick Medina cpjmedina at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 21 10:37:24 CET 2008

--- Alan DeKok <aland at deployingradius.com> wrote:

>   Is there a pressing need to use rlm_dbm?  In

Just (blindly) following "good" practice.

> 2.0.0, the "users" file should scale to 100's of
> 1000's of users.  (i.e. I've tested it at that.)  It
> takes a few seconds to start the server, but it's
> just as fast as rlm_dbm would be.

Tested and verified working your CVS update.  But
since you put it that way above, I'll stick to a plain
users file then as our user population is not even

Thank you for the very fast response, fix, and useful info.

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