UserName, Password + MAC authentication using Cisco's BBSM 5.3

Alan DeKok aland at
Mon Jan 28 12:01:54 CET 2008

javkhlanbaatar at wrote:
> Thanks,
> I've just installed new version 2.0.1 and it was some kind of different.
> But now it's OK. Still I didn't find any clues of MAC authentication with
> username and password. Could you give some advices?

  Run the server in debugging mode, and see what the NAS sends in an
Access-Request.  Different NAS vendors (and models) send different
packets as "MAC authentication".  There is NO common method.

> Also I used to enter
> Login-Time to my radreply table but there isn't anything changed.

  As always, run the server in debugging mode.

> Due to
> the lack of FreeRadius books and still continues to introduce newer
> versions, I have to ask about these, apologize for that. Still waiting for
> the book. Also don't say "READ THE DOCS". You know, all the books are
> older. And all the mailers aren't PRO as like you.

  Of course.  But the docs *do* explain what we need for us to be able
to help you: run the server in debugging mode, and post the output here.

  The documentation says this in about 5 places.  The message you are
responding to told you to do this.  You still haven't done it.

  You have a choice: follow the instructions and maybe get the problem
solved, OR ignore the instructions, and have everyone on this list
ignore you as a result.

  Alan DeKok.

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