Logging from another PC

Ivan Kalik tnt at kalik.net
Wed Jan 30 11:54:25 CET 2008

Yes. Use VLANs and port based authentication and they won't be able to
do that. If they manually change IP address to a different VLAN
connection will become unusable.

Ivan Kalik
Kaliki Informatika ISP

Dana 29/1/2008, "javkhlanbaatar at newcomsystems.mn"
<javkhlanbaatar at newcomsystems.mn> piše:

>I have a question.
>When the user logs using own username and password into Radius server (ie,
>using, it is OK. When someone change IP address statically
>into logged IP (to, he can use the logged account. I mean
>he can use another one's account. How can I block another PC? And I don't
>want the user logs often in one day. User must logs once in a day. That's
>why I don't want to put Idle-Timeout attribute.
>I'm using FreeRadius 2.0.1 with Cisco'BBSM 5.3. Could you give some
>clarfication for this?
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