Problems using EAP-TLS with freeradius version 2

Stefan Puch s.puch at
Wed Jan 30 13:16:03 CET 2008

Stefan Puch wrote:
>> Then some people came with their mobile devices which are running Windows 
>> Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 5 (WM5) or Windows Mobile6 (WM6) and the 
>> problems began. The same EAP-TLS certificate which worked fine on a Windows
>>  XP machine doesn't work on e.g. Windows Mobile 6 PDA.
> You have to love Microsoft...
Hmm, most of the time I'm using Linux, but 90% of the others only have a
Microsoft system :-(

> The EAP-TLS code was substantially re-worked in 2.0.0.  It was tested with 
> Vista, XP SP1, XP SP2, Linux systems, MAC.  It's working "live" in 
> environments with many, may different OS's and architectures.
> So it *should* work.
I was afraid that someone says that, because I didn't believe that a new version
would be released without testing. By the way, when you have tested so many
different Windows systems you will have to Microsoft as well, won't you ;-)

> ethereal packet traces of the RADIUS traffic would help.  But I would first 
> suggest trying to use the test certificates that come with 2.0.1. If those 
> work, then the issue isn't 2.0.0 versus 1.1.7, it's that there is something 
> special about the certificates you're using.
OK, then I will start with the provided certificates, well knowing that if then
do work I will have to make new certificates for all current users...
If the certificates that come with 2.0.1 also fail I will provide some ethereal
packet traces.

Thanks for the quick response

Stefan Puch

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