need help in using free radius
Wm. Josiah Erikson
wjerikson at
Wed Jan 30 17:48:44 CET 2008
How do you want it to authenticate? Is there a username/password pair
somewhere of test/test or just you did expect it to work that way out of
the box for some reason?
I think it did what it was supposed to - it checked a bunch of different
authentication methods and didn't find a username/password of test/test
anywhere. The simplest way to get this to work would be to create an
account "test" with the password "test" on the local box, assuming
you're using a UNIX machine. It checked the "unix" modules, which will
check your local passwd/shadow file, so that should work.
johnson elangbam wrote:
> Hi,
> When I first run the free Radius using the command
> "radtest test test localhost 0 testing123" i found the following
> errors. Please help
> rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host <>
> port 32775, id=80, length=56
> User-Name = "test"
> User-Password = "test"
> NAS-IP-Address = <>
> NAS-Port = 0
> +- entering group authorize
> ++[preprocess] returns ok
> ++[chap] returns noop
> ++[mschap] returns noop
> ++[unix] returns notfound
> rlm_realm: No '@' in User-Name = "test", looking up realm NULL
> rlm_realm: No such realm "NULL"
> ++[suffix] returns noop
> rlm_eap: No EAP-Message, not doing EAP
> ++[eap] returns noop
> ++[files] returns noop
> ++[expiration] returns noop
> ++[logintime] returns noop
> rlm_pap: WARNING! No "known good" password found for the user.
> Authentication m ay fail because of this.
> ++[pap] returns noop
> auth: No authenticate method (Auth-Type) configuration found for the
> request: Re jecting the user
> auth: Failed to validate the user.
> Found Post-Auth-Type Reject
> +- entering group REJECT
> expand: %{User-Name} -> test
> attr_filter: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 11
> ++[attr_filter.access_reject] returns updated
> Delaying reject of request 0 for 1 seconds
> Going to the next request
> Waking up in 0.9 seconds.
> Sending delayed reject for request 0
> Sending Access-Reject of id 80 to <> port 32775
> Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
> Cleaning up request 0 ID 80 with timestamp +31
> Ready to process requests.
> With Regards,
> Elangbam Johnson
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Wm. Josiah Erikson
Computing Support
School of Cognitive Science
Hampshire College
Amherst, MA 01002
(413) 559-6091
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