radiusd service do not start [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Ranner, Frank MR Frank.Ranner at defence.gov.au
Thu Jan 31 03:05:07 CET 2008


freeradius-users-bounces+frank.ranner=defence.gov.au at lists.freeradius.or
[mailto:freeradius-users-bounces+frank.ranner=defence.gov.au at lists.freer
adius.org] On Behalf Of Nicolas
Sent: Thursday, 31 January 2008 03:04
To: freeradius-users at lists.freeradius.org
Subject: radiusd service do not start



I installed freeradius to manage the wifi network of our organization
(17 wifi ap)

It works well when launched in command line (radiusd -X), but I can't
make it work as a service,


'Service radiusd start' seems to work, but radius close immediately
after, so a status will say that radiusd is dead, but subsys is locked.


That indicates a permissions problem. When you run radiusd -X it runs as
root. When you start as a service it switches to the user specified in
radiusd.conf, usually radiusd.



strace -f -e open,stat radiusd

and look for lines with EPERM indicating files that failed to open
because of permission fails. These will probably be owned by root.



Frank Ranner

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