FR 2.0.5 MPPE problem - worked in 2.0.4

John Horne john.horne at
Sat Jul 5 18:28:29 CEST 2008

On Sun, 2008-07-06 at 00:38 +1200, Pshem Kowalczyk wrote:
> Hi
> We've encountered exactly the same behaviour. Basically - you're not
> supposed to relay on this functionality as it is was an unsupported
> feature. If you have to add some attributes to the reply from the home
> server - use unlang in the post proxy section, like this:
> post-proxy {
> if ("%{Packet-Type}" == Access-Request) {
>         if ("%{proxy-reply:Framed-IP-Address}" =~ /^10\.20.*$/){
>                        update reply {
>                                 Session-Timeout := 1
>                                 Filter-Id := "redirect"
>                         }
>         }
> }
> }
Okay, thanks for this and for Alan DeKok's reply. I'll reconfigure the
server and retest when I get back to work.



John Horne, University of Plymouth, UK  Tel: +44 (0)1752 587287
E-mail: John.Horne at       Fax: +44 (0)1752 587001

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