freeradius 2.0.5 problem

Egi ekonomi at
Sun Jul 6 18:19:11 CEST 2008

It looks like everything is ok there:

[root at radsql ~]# mysqlcheck -u root -p radius --auto-repair
Enter password:
radius.nas                                         OK
radius.radacct                                     OK
radius.radcheck                                    OK
radius.radgroupcheck                               OK
radius.radgroupreply                               OK
radius.radippool                                   OK
radius.radpostauth                                 OK
radius.radreply                                    OK
radius.radusergroup                                OK

But i still get the error...

Thank you!

Marinko Tarlac wrote:
> Hi
> Did you try to open database and see all tables and data inside them? 
> Maybe one of the tables is damaged so you'll need to check it first 
> (and repair if it is necessary) .
> Egi wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I tried to optimize tables, and also followed the sql tunning guide 
>> by setting the database to innodb but I still get only these error:
>> Sun Jul  6 17:32:28 2008 : Error: Dropping conflicting packet from 
>> client mikrotik1:43365 - ID: 45 due to unfinished request 22668
>> Sun Jul  6 17:32:28 2008 : Error: Dropping conflicting packet from 
>> client mikrotik2:54058 - ID: 250 due to unfinished request 22681
>> Thank You!
>> A.L.M.Buxey at wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>> Mikrotik Router > freeradius server > Mysql Server
>>>> From time to time (Maybe once in 4-5 days) i get this error 
>>>> repeated for many many times:
>>> your MySQL is too slow to respond to the requests - check your SQL 
>>> queries and see how you can optimise them.
>>> I've been able to go from queries that look up many
>>> thousands of lines to just a single index query.
>>> change your MySQL engine to InnoDB - or
>>> even better, move to postgresql instead. these
>>> event happen when a table gets eventually too
>>> large for the basic MySQL settings to cope. think
>>> about deleting old records etc.  i
>>> alan
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