freeradius with multiple ldap servers

A.L.M.Buxey at A.L.M.Buxey at
Mon Jul 7 09:53:56 CEST 2008


>  I went through the documentation on the website and in the doc/
> directory in the  source distribution. I read through the
> ldap_howto.txt. Is that the example you refer to ? (Thats the only one I
> found with the source distribution). It had many components that I dont
> require. I scrolled down the find the freeradius configuration. But I am
> still now clear how to exactly tailor it for my needs. Is there an
> example / url I can use as reference ? Am I looking at the wrong
> place ? 

first basic question. why did you add an authenticate and authorise section
to radiusd.conf?   that stuff is already in the sites-enabled/default
file - which gets read and used on server startup.  if you have to
edit such entries, edit them in the right place.  radiusd.conf now
is a very basic file which sets up logging, imports other conf files
and a few other mundane things.  what you COULD do, and what is 'reasonable'
is to rename the sites-enabled/default file to something like
sites-enabled/my-service and then edit it for your required service.


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