PEAP or TTLS and Microsoft Vista.

Lech Karol Pawłaszek ike at
Thu Jul 24 14:36:26 CEST 2008

Stefan Winter wrote:
> Hi,
> I noticed that the EAP debug speaks about quarantine states and such. 
> XP3 and Vista have "Network Access Protection". Is that checkbox checked 
> in your supplicant config? If yes, try unchecking it.

I've tried to use netsh nap offline to disable Network Access Protection 
however the problem still occurs. I'm using Windows' built-in supplicant 
(for PEAP) which doesn't work probably because of a wrong certificate 
and secureW2 EAP suite 1.0.6 which doesn't have "Network Access 
Protection" checkbox. To be honest built-in PEAP doesn't have it as 
well. Or at least I couldn't find it.

I've tried to follow Microsoft document[1] however I wasn't able to 
locate "Configuration Manager console". Holy cow.

[1] -

If you can point me where I can uncheck such checkbox...

Kind regards,

Lech Karol Pawłaszek <ike>
"You will never see me fall from grace" [KoRn]

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