Authorization queries based on realm

Ivan Kalik tnt at
Mon Jun 9 15:23:33 CEST 2008

Max-All-Session attribute is individual for every user (that has it). You
don't need groups, realms or anything like that. Your routine that
creates user entries should be able to handle that.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

Dana 9/6/2008, "sub" <fitzkarraldo at> piše:

>Hi guys,
>I looked around a bit but I've not found an answer to my question.
>I have a freeradius server, it works fine and so on but now I need to
>differentiate class of users that is that I have users of class A that
>have a Max-All-Session attribute which I manipulate with standard
>accounting informations and queries (and with the noresetcounter).
>Class B users, instead, should have access guaranteed only if they
>have valid access credentials (i.e. username and password) and they
>should not have a check of Max-All-Session attribute so they have to
>use resources without any time limit.
>I thought to use realms but I don't know if it's the right manner to
>configure this need as I am only able to configure a different radius
>server according to realm value.
>Any suggestion please?
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