rlm_ippool fail

Ivan Kalik tnt at kalik.net
Mon Jun 9 22:24:29 CEST 2008

>You are suposed to delete those files when you are changing ip pool
>range. Module should be able to start without them.
>Ivan Kalik
>Kalik Informatika ISP
>Dana 5/6/2008, "Alan DeKok" <aland at deployingradius.com> piše:
>>tg_melo at bol.com.br wrote:
>>> I had a freeradius server 1.1.7 running up with some errors when doing updates in radacct (mysql) some hours after it just started. Since then, I decided to upgrade to 
>>2.0.4. But now, it refuses to start with the error "rlm_ippool: Failed to open file $(raddbdir)/db.ippool: No such file or directory".
>>  Does the file exist?  FreeRADIUS is at the mercy of the OS here.  If
>>the OS says "no such file or directory", it means "no such file or
>>directory".  No amount of playing with the FreeRADIUS configuration will
>>make the file suddenly exist.
>>> Finally, /usr/local/etc/raddb/ is with the right permissions to the user freeradius.
>>> So, what's wrong?
>>  Does the db.ippool file exist?
>>  Alan DeKok.
>>List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html
OK. I was able to recreate this when I installed 2.0.5. All modules using
db.* files (counters, ippool, ...) were affected. Turned out that there
is an error in radiusd.conf:

prefix = @prefix@
exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
localstatedir = @localstatedir@
sbindir = @sbindir@
logdir = @logdir@
raddbdir = @raddbdir@
radacctdir = @radacctdir@

# Location of config and logfiles.

confdir = ${raddbdir}
run_dir = ${localstatedir}/run/radiusd

# Should likely be ${localstatedir}/lib/radiusd

db_dir = $(raddbdir)   <<==

It should be:

db_dir = ${raddbdir}   (brackets are wrong)

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

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