FR and PEAP question

Ivan Kalik tnt at
Tue Jun 10 15:36:14 CEST 2008

>The password that is being supplied by radtest is in plain-text, should I be
>supplying it in ntPassword-encrypted format?


>It looks to me like I have something wrong with my authenticate section.
>My authorize section looks like:
>authorize {
>        preprocess
>        chap
>        mschap
>        suffix
>        eap
>        Autz-Type Ldap1 {
>                redundant-load-balance{
>                        unbldap
>                        unbldap2
>                }
>                mschap
>        }

Not really. You just haven't called that Autz-Type anywhere.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

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