Can FreeRADIUS proxy accounting requests to multiple systems?

Sylvain Robitaille syl at
Fri Jun 13 14:39:00 CEST 2008

On Thu, 12 Jun 2008, Ivan Kalik wrote:

> I hope you are using the same database to store authentication data
> for your users.

The FreeRADIUS servers are both querying (replicated) LDAP servers for
authentication (and authorization) data.

> And that both are witing accounting data into the same radacct table.

No: they're each writing the accounting data to local files.  No
database there.

> If that is so, you don't need to proxy accounting from one radius
> server to the other - they already have a complete picture.
> Just configure them both to proxy accounting to the NMS.

I think that what you're saying is that with a slightly different
configuration than I have, what I'm trying to do should be quite simple.

Sylvain Robitaille                              syl at

Systems and Network analyst                       Concordia University
Instructional & Information Technology        Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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