generating ACCESS-CHALLENGE from radius server

Sudarshan Soma sudarshan12s at
Mon Jun 23 16:00:30 CEST 2008

I managed to change radius server rlm_unix code to generate
ACCESS-CHALLENGE by looking at rlm_example code.

Can someone please let me know is there any way i can tell radius
server to generate ACCESS-CHALLENGE with out making changes as i did
it above?


On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 9:07 PM, Sudarshan Soma <sudarshan12s at> wrote:
> Hi ,
> I am planning to simulate ACCESS-CHALLENGE to authenticate the client
> which i plan to add it in pam-radius module (pam_radius-1.3.17) with
> out using radius server.  Iam still reading the docs, incase if
> someone helps me with the following queries, it would be really
> helpful.
> I learned that the rlm_otp has the implementation of the same. Could
> anyone please let me know these:
> - any radius client which lets radius server to ask for ACCESS-CHALLENGE
>       -- (echo 'User-Name="userX"'; echo
> 'CHAP-Password="secretpass"') | /usr/local/bin/radclient -x
> auth testing123 is not helping
> -  how do i test rlm_otp module, any radius client program..
> Regards,
> Pavan

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