mideye authentication

Norbert Wegener norbert.wegener at siemens.com
Sun Mar 2 16:49:40 CET 2008

Norbert Wegener wrote:
> Alan DeKok wrote:
>> Norbert Wegener wrote:
>>> It should be simple to generate a one time password, throw it into a
>>> database,send it via sms  and make it available for the next time, the
>>> user requests access. The problem here seems to be, that after a first
>>> successfull authentication another one with only a new password but the
>>> already entered username has to be done.
>>> Can this be realised with an actual freeradius? If so: Where can I find
>>> documentation about it?
>>   You first need to define what you mean by "successful authentication".
>>  Is it sending an Access-Accept?  Or receiving an Accounting start for
>> that user?
The box I am talking about is a Juniper vpn gateway. There they have
Custom Radius Authentication Rules and in the configuration menu there is:
If received packet Type :Access Challenge
Take action: Show Next Token page

Now it seems to me, that after providing the correct login/(static) 
password combination, not an Access-Accept must be sent, but instead an 
Maybe, this can be done using the otpd, but up to now I am searching on 
how to realise this.
Anyone any idea?

Norbert Wegener

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