Problems with using Customize table schema

Phil Mayers p.mayers at
Sat Mar 8 12:26:24 CET 2008

> I've put "perl" in the authorization section in the 
> sites-enabled/default directory
> I've put Auth-Type perl
>                          {
>                                perl
>                           }
>  in the authenticate section
> And I've put a section of perl module in the modules section in the 
> radiusd.conf,
> the radiusd -X works fine and reads all the perl module while running 
> the radius in debugging mode, My confusion is that how do I fetch the 
> username and the password from my own customized table which contains 
> only username and password and authenticate through perl script. 
> Secondly how do I execute the stored procedures written in Ms Sql 2000 
> through perl script.

It sounds like you don't know how to program in perl. I suggest you go 
and do that. "perldoc perl" is a good place to start.

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