RFC 2866 - Accounting ON / Accounting OFF packets

A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk
Thu Mar 13 21:08:16 CET 2008

>> Also the index 'acctsessiontime' is missing for the radacct table in the 
>> default schema; makes the Accounting-On / Accounting-Off queries very slow 
>> doing a table scan on 1.4 million rows... Is this intentional or an 
>> oversight ?
> In the postgres schema, there's a conditional compound index which makes 
> that query fast/indexed, so I suspect it's an oversight.

postgres is, in general, so much better from a default install too.
we spent some time tweaking the MySQL...but a trivial side-grade
to using postgres paid immediate dividends... non-blocking 
inserts/updates etc. very nice.


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