MACAddress silent authentication in LDAP using freeradius2.0.2

Ivan Kalik tnt at
Wed Mar 26 16:49:16 CET 2008

Your did needs to be a distinguished name.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

Dana 26/3/2008, "Eric Martell" <workoutexcite at> piše:

>Hi Ivan,
>     We have scenarios when one PC gets transfered to other user, we don't delete the registered MAC address of the previous PC. The other new user still able to register with the previous user's existing PC MAC address one more time. Thus the scenario of duplicate entries in LDAP.
>Please let me know.
>Thanks and Regards.
>Ivan Kalik <tnt at> wrote: >After adding radiusAuthType on ONE uid it is working fine now.
>>But now the issue is, I have some cases where the MAC address are stored multiple times in Ldap. Thus the ldap query is failing.
>>Please check the log below. Can you please suggest me any workaround? Will really appreciate.
>Only the obvious one: don't put multiple mac uids in the directory. uid
>needs to be unique. BTW, where do multiple entries come from?
>Ivan Kalik
>Kalik Informatika ISP
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