Load testing tool recommendation

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Sun May 11 08:40:49 CEST 2008

Anders Holm wrote:
> In my tests, radclient has been /slower/ the radtest processes forked from a Perl script.
> 100 requests using my forking Perl script takes 2.2 seconds to complete.
> 100 requests using radclient takes ~8x, i.e 16.7+ seconds to complete.

  You can run "radclient -x" to see what it's doing.  Printing the
sent/received packets slows it down, but not that much.

  When I run "radclient -q -c 10000", I can easily run 5k packets/s to
the local machine.  My tests from remote machines are a little slower,
but not 5 packets/s.

  I'd say there's something wrong in your network, but I'm not sure where.

  Alan DeKok.

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