0 Session Length, radrelay or Freeradius causing issues

Etienne Pretorius etiennep at kingsley.co.za
Tue May 13 09:57:49 CEST 2008

Hello List,

I have asked this before 
and Alan DeKok did say that I should place those accounting packets in a 
different Acct-Type, but that was when I did not wish to log the 
information but I now need to log the information and replicate to all 
radius servers.

I need to know why the radrelay application stops replacation when it 
comes across a 0 session length packet.
This morning I found a 40Mb backlog file for each server and realised 
that it was the 0 session-length packet again.

I know FreeRadius does complain about it but it still logs this 
accounting packet into the sql database. So is it because FreeRadius 
indicates that an error (0 Session Length?). If so could I not just 
somehow tell FreeRadius to stop complaining and just accept the stupid 
packet. (As I am passing configurable triggers via 0 session length 
radius packets).

Kind Regards

Etienne Pretorius

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