EAP TLS Authentication failing!!!! "Unknown CA"

Avinash Patil avinashapatil at gmail.com
Thu May 15 11:37:00 CEST 2008

Hi All,

I am trying to use authenticate one embedded WLAN device with using
freeRadius server 2.0.4

I have radiusd.conf,client.conf files as per my configuration.
I have created certificates using bootstrap script.Values in
ca.cnf,client.cnf and server.cnf have been modified accordingly.

I have copied ca.pem, client.pem to device filesystem.Private key has been
extracted from client.pem.

Since last week I am trying to authenticate freeradius server but I am
getting error like "Unknown CA".
Please see attached radius logs.

When I verify client certificate using "openssl verify -CApath ca.pem
I see following error:

Error 20 at depth 0 lookup : unable to get local issuer certificate.

Device is already tested with Windows 2003 server's TLS(of course with
different set of certificates :<) ) and it is working fine.
What will be possible reason behind this and where am I going wrong?

Appreciate your help.

Thanks and Regards,

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