FR2.0.3 - UCD-SNMP 4.2.7 communication does not work on 64 bits Freebsd (but does on 32 bit Freebsd)

Alan DeKok aland at
Wed May 28 20:28:32 CEST 2008

Thomas Fagart wrote:
>>   A better solution is to allow the server to put the statistics into
>> RADIUS packets.  That way any SNMP interaction can be in a separate
>> program, which simplifies life enormously.
> I don't understand properly, do you mean that you could proxy "statistics
> packet" to another freeradius  ?


> Which SNMP agent will you poll to get statistics then ?

  An SNMP agent could send RADIUS packets to FreeRADIUS to get the
statistics it needs.  This MAY be simpler than adding an SNMP agent to

  Alan DeKok.

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