PopToP VPN + FreeRadius

Victor Asavei s0rcer0r13 at yahoo.com
Fri May 30 14:32:44 CEST 2008

Thank you for your reply,

I was thinking about something similar but I thought there is another way and I couldn't find it in the docs :(

As I see it the only thing with this kind of approach needed to make it work is to see which user is associated with which ppp connection (pppX).


Evgeniy Kozhuhovskiy <ugenk at mgts.by> wrote: Victor Asavei wrote:
> Hello,
> I am running a PopTop server with FreeRadius for authentification. I 
> have configured FreeRadius to use Oracle and I can successfully 
> authenticate the users that connect to the VPN.
> My questions is how can I after a certain-period of time or after a 
> certain condition is  true (for example a value in the db in a table 
> reaches 0) to disconnect a certain user ?
> Reading the documentation from the site I understood that the NAS server 
> is responsable with this. How can i then do this using PopTop & FreeRadius ?
> Any help or hint is appreciated !
In fact, the easiest way - to run external script via cron (or oracle 
sheduler) and do all job (i.e. ssh my_pptp_box kill `cat 

For now, neither freeradius and radiusclient supports CoA and DM 
messages :-(

With best regards, Evgeniy Kozhuhovskiy,
Leader of Services team,
Minsk State Phony Network, RUE Beltelecom.
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