ldap authorization request in a post_proxy section?

Paul TAVERNIER paul.tavernier at ac-rouen.fr
Tue Nov 4 17:01:40 CET 2008


	How should i call the ldap module in the post_proxy section (in 
Freeradius v1 or v2...)?

	It should perhaps be easier to ask a single question rather than in my 
long request posted yesterday...;o)

	In Freeradius v1, i can merge in an access-accept response radius 
attribute to a proxy reply.

authorize {

post_proxy {

proxy server {
#  Older versions of the server would pass proxy requests through the
#  'authorize' sections twice; once when the packet was received
#  from the NAS, and again after the reply was received from the home
#  server.  Now that we have a 'post_proxy' section, the replies from
#  the home server should be sent through that, instead of through
#  the 'authorize' section again.
#  However, for backwards compatibility, this behaviour is configurable.
#  The default configuration is 'yes', for backwards compatibility.
#  To use ONLY the new 'post_proxy' section, set this value to 'no'.
         post_proxy_authorize = yes

realm otp {
         type = radius
         authhost = myproxyradius:1812
         secret = xxxxxxx

And it works because it parses twice the authorization section (as i 
seemed to understand, sorry i'm french ;o))...a thing that doesn't 
happen in v2.x...


Equipe Reseaux-Securite
Division Informatique
Rectorat de ROUEN

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