certificates confusion
Craig White
craigwhite at azapple.com
Mon Nov 24 22:18:47 CET 2008
please excuse me if this isn't entirely related to freeradius but it's
all about getting WindowsXP laptops to my wireless network with
freeradius and 8021.x
I see that there is certificate failures and am thinking that I need to
clean this up
up until now, server2 is my ca and I have used that to generate and sign
my radius server though is running on server1 and I think that my
failure is related to the fact that I'm generating the certificates and
signing them with server2.
So my questions...
1. Do I set up server1 to be its own CA or do I still use server2 as the
2. If server2 is the CA, do I then generate the request on server1, copy
it to server2 and then sign it on server2?
3. Does anyone see any problems with these methods of generating
certificates ? (openssl on Linux)
# Generate server certificate signing request
openssl req -new -nodes -keyout $SSL/radius_server_key.pem \
-out $SSL/radius_server_req.pem \
-days 730 \
-config $SSL/openssl.cnf
# Sign server certificate
openssl ca -config $SSL/openssl.cnf \
-policy policy_anything \
-out radius_server_cert.pem \
-extensions xpserver_ext \
-extfile $SSL/xpextensions \
-infiles $SSL/radius_server_req.pem
# Edit out text information in radius_server_cert.pem and then run
# cat $SSL/radius_server_key.pem \
# $SSL/radius_server_cert.pem > \
# $SSL/radius_server_keycert.pem
# Generate client certificates
openssl req -new -keyout $SSL/radius_client_key.pem \
-out $SSL/radius_client_req.pem \
-days 730 \
-config $SSL/openssl.cnf
# Sign client certificates
openssl ca -config $SSL/openssl.cnf \
-policy policy_anything \
-out $SSL/radius_client_cert.pem \
-extensions xpclient_ext \
-extfile $SSL/xpextensions \
-infiles $SSL/radius_client_req.pem
cat $SSL/radius_client_key.pem $SSL/radius_client_cert.pem >
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