Linksys WAP54G

Seann Clark nombrandue at
Tue Nov 25 15:43:35 CET 2008

M.K. ten Napel wrote:
>> If that's the issue I know about, you restart the AP (switch it off and
>> on again) and it starts working again. That doesn't sound like your
>> problem.
> With one AP (the one that works most of the time) this is the case.
> Sometimes nothing comes through. After a hard reset (power off) it works again.
> For a while...
>> Ivan Kalik
>> Kalik Informatika ISP
>> -
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As my two cents, I have a W54GS using FreeRadius in a rather complex 
setup, but your basic troubleshooting should be the same. I have read it 
a few times on the post, while you can prove there is some communication 
between your WAP and your FreeRadius install, the problem remains on how 
MUCH is actually happening. Is the WAP only sending 1 in 5 
authentications? Is it sending all? or less? The best way to prove this 
is to wire it directly to a box so you can do a packet capture, and see 
if it is doing exactly as you expect. That can remove the WAP on the 
communication side, as well as give you a little insight to what is 
broken from that point on. Providing the information you get back (Minus 
the dump file itself, unless someone asks for it specifically) will help 
people on the list find out what this AP is doing.

As well, is it at the latest firmware?

If you want to get a little more hands on, there are a few things out 
there on how to create a passive tap, and you can use that basically 
anywhere, in your current infrastructure to see if it is the network 
between the two devices that is broken.

With Linksys it is kind of silly, but you usually have to power cycle 
it, if it loses the Radius server, so it is forced to re-negotiate its 
connection, and allow authentication. I have seen this personally, and 
read a lot about it online, though I haven't come across anything from 
linksys themselves about it.

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