Conversion to Version 2

Doug Hardie bc979 at
Sun Oct 5 22:49:14 CEST 2008

On Oct 5, 2008, at 13:27, A.L.M.Buxey at wrote:

> Hi,
>> I have been using FreeRadius 1.x for a number of years.  It has  
>> worked
>> just fine.  All I am using it for is to authenticate and authorize
>> dial-in users (its about as simple as you can get).  The only unusual
>> item is I have a couple of fairly complex modules for authorization  
>> and
>> accounting.  The question is should I bother to upgrade to 2.x.  I  
>> don't
>> have a need for any of the new features it provides.  I don't even  
>> use
>> most of the features in 1.x.  My largest concern is the modules.  I  
>> don't
>> recall seeing anything here about what changes would be required  
>> for them
>> other than I believe they have to be compiled with the server.   
>> Currently
>> the modules are compiled separately and placed in /usr/local/lib and
>> everything just works.
> in your case, reasons would be, stability,

I have never had a stability issue with FreeRadius - it just works  
without any attention from me.

> speed,

Perhaps, but with about 10-20 authentication requests per hour thats  
not much of an issue.

> bug fixes,

Don't seem to have seen any bugs with the portions I use.

> new server statistics access (SNMP and radmin tool),

I have all the stats I need (not much but with just dial-in there is  
no need for much).

> easy debugging
> of single users or NAS etc.

Possibly, but never had a need for that - it just works.

> the new version provides all of this
> for you - and more for others due to its extensibility.

No question about that.  I read about all the new authentication  
features and its amazing how anyone can keep up with all that stuff.   
However, if converting my modules is going to be a big deal, I don't  
see any real advantage.

> alan
> -
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