Searching for an up to date tutorial for freeRADIUS + Active Directory

tnt at tnt at
Wed Oct 8 14:57:29 CEST 2008

mcshap module is now in raddb/modules/mschap. Updated instructions:

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

Dana 8/10/2008, "Frederik.Niedernolte at"
<Frederik.Niedernolte at> piše:

>I want to set up a freeRADIUS server to work together with an active
>The best tutorial I've found is
>but it seems to be outdated
>because the part with the "Configuration of radius.conf" is based on an
>older version of freeRADIUS.
>I have installed 2.1.1 and there the radius.conf links to other modules
>/ VHosts.
>What must I change to make it work with version 2.1.1?
>Thanks in advance.
>Best regards, F. Niedernolte

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