Radius reply multivalue VSA question.

Eric Martell workoutexcite at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 8 18:09:46 CEST 2008

   We are defining custom VSA's for our company. We have ldap configured in freeradius which returns back the VSA's. 

I defined custom VSA in
ATTRIBUTE       rEntitlements           113             string

entitlements is multivalue attribute (vARRAY) in LDAP.

In the ldap.attrmap it is defined as

replyItem       rEntitlements                   entitlements  ==

So after the successful authentication, I am getting the rEntitlements back as   

Sending Access-Accept of id 50 to port 1814
        Session-Timeout = 7200
        rEntitlements == "ADMALL"
        rEntitlements == "STORE"
        rEntitlements == "WEPG"
        rEntitlements == "WADM"
        rEntitlements == "SDNLD"
        rEntitlements == "WIFILOC1"

BUT I am looking for ONLY WIFILOC1 for the NAS. NAS will redirect if WIFILOC1 exists.

Can I do regex in the rEntitlements so freeradius ONLY returns 
rEntitlements = "WIFILOC1" and ignore the rest?

Please let me know.
Thanks in advance.

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