Changes made

Martin MacLeod-Brown mmacleod at
Fri Oct 17 15:37:00 CEST 2008

Ok, after a bit of googling and some feedback from the mailing list -
here is my new sanity check


In radius.conf


ldap {

                server = ""

                identity = "cn=NetworkAuth,ou=People,,o=lbs"

                password = *********

                basedn = "ou=People,,o=lbs"

                filter = "(uid=%u)"

                start_tls = no

                access_attr = "uid"

                dictionary_mapping = ${raddbdir}/ldap.attrmap

                base_filter = "(objectclass=people)"






>        Fall-Through :=1



Don't do that. You can configure ldap module to set auth type itself.


Ok fair enough, I have changed it back to 

DEFAULT Auth-Type = System

        Fall-Through = 1


Im confused - where can I set ldap module to set auth type itself.????



Find radiusd belonging to freeradius and run it.


It would appear to be running...


root at morpheus:/etc/freeradius# ps -ef |grep radiusd

root     24106 11597  0 14:36 pts/1    00:00:00 grep radiusd



Martin Macleod-Brown | Infrastructure Engineer - Networks & Security

Infrastructure Team

London Business School | Regent's Park | London NW1 4SA | United Kingdom

Switchboard +44 (0)20 7000 7000 | Direct line +44 (0)20 7000 7772 |
Mobile +44 (0)796 690 7772 | Email mmacleod at
<mailto:mmacleod at> <>  | London experience. World


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