using radtest as a different client..

Johan Meiring jmeiring at
Tue Oct 21 22:14:00 CEST 2008


> Oguzhan Kayhan wrote:
> > What i want is to learn if the virtual domain configuration 
> is similar to
> > apache's virtual domain.As we can use names instead of IPs.
>   The configuration files and README's contain documentation 
> on what the
> virtual servers are, and what they do.
> > As, on freeradius if i create 2 clients like
> > client1 {
>   That is not the proper format for the "client" section.
> >          secret= a1a1a1
> >          virtual_server= bbbbbb
> >          }
>   This won't work because clients are REQUIRED to have IP addresses.
> > And on another server on different interfaces if i run 2 
> authentication
> > softwares (like chillispot for example) is it possible to 
> give a name
> > instead of ip adress with NAS-ID or something else.

There is a (future) way to use the NasID.
See "dynamic clients" in sites-available.
Alan is going to make the Nas-Identifier available in a future release.

You could do something like:

client dymamic {
  ipaddr =
  netmask = 0
  dynamic_clients = hotspot
  lifetime = 86400

server hotspot {
  authorize {
    if ("%{sql: select Identifier from Nas where
Identifier='%{NAS-Identifier}'}") {
      update control {
        FreeRADIUS-Client-IP-Address = "%{Packet-Src-IP-Address}"
        FreeRADIUS-Client-Require-MA = no
        FreeRADIUS-Client-Secret = "qwerty"
        FreeRADIUS-Client-Shortname = "%{NAS-Identifier}"
        FreeRADIUS-Client-NAS-Type = "other"
        FreeRADIUS-Client-Virtual-Server = "%{sql: select VirtualServer from
Nas where Identifier='%{NAS-Identifier}'}"

Johan Meiring
Cape PC Services CC / Amobia Communications
Tel: (021) 883-8271 / (0861) AMOBIA
Fax: (021) 886-7782 / (0861) AMOFAX

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