users file auth failing

Martin Pauly pauly at
Fri Oct 31 18:27:41 CET 2008

> I would like to add a very simple user with only a Cleartext-Password to
> the users file (this is strictly a FreeRADIUS user and in the interest
> of security shouldn't be in LDAP).
I have a very similar setup (lots of users in LDAP, a few with "local" 
passwords on the RADIUS server). As to security, I created the user 
as a local unix account on the RADIUS server and do Auth-Type := System.
This way, I don't have to put a Cleartext-Password anywhere.

In addition, my special users _are_ in LDAP, so when LDAP is asked they get
authorized. Only the password is checked against /etc/passwd on the RADIUS
server. But how would you "remove LDAP access control" for these users?

Cheers, Martin

  Dr. Martin Pauly     Fax:    49-6421-28-26994            
  HRZ Univ. Marburg    Phone:  49-6421-28-23527
  Hans-Meerwein-Str.   E-Mail: pauly at HRZ.Uni-Marburg.DE  
  D-35032 Marburg                                                           

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