freeRADIUS not sending accounting responses

Alan DeKok aland at
Thu Sep 4 07:48:28 CEST 2008

Adrian Cowham wrote:
> I stumbled onto some unexpected behavior with freeRADIUS and I'm curious
> if it's a mis-configuration or a defect. The first thing I did was
> comment out all places where radutmp and sradutmp were being used. I
> don't use those files so I figured I'd free up some resources by
> commenting them out.

  That's fine.

> To address the issue, I commented out the "unix" line in the accounting
> module in radiusd.conf. My assumption is that since I commented out the
> "radwtmp" line in the "unix" section but not the "unix" line in the
> "accounting" section, radiusd is choking on processing accounting
> packets because it can't find the radwtmp file. Mis-configuration on my
> part?

  Yes.  You need to delete "unix" from the "accounting" section.

  Alan DeKok.

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