sqlcounters for traffic
Alexandre Chapellon
alexandre.chapellon at mana.pf
Sat Sep 6 01:53:01 CEST 2008
I want to se sqlcounters to count bytes transferred from clients so that
i manage quota.
Aiming this i configured the following counter:
sqlcounter bytesQuota {
counter-name = traffic_quota
check-name = Max-Traffic
reply-name = Session-Traffic-Limit
sqlmod-inst = mysqldb
key = User-Name
reset = hourly
query = "SELECT SUM(acctinputoctets + acctoutputoctets) FROM
radacct WHERE UserName='%{%k}'"
My first problem is that the Session-Traffic-Limit (from the redback
dictionnary) is not returned. I can't see it neither in the output of
radtest nor with radsniff.
Yet, looking at the output of radiusd -X i can see it's correctly
understood by freeradius:
rlm_sqlcounter: Check item is greater than query result
rlm_sqlcounter: Authorized user scott, check_item=12000, counter=10891
rlm_sqlcounter: Sent Reply-Item for user scott,
Type=Session-Traffic-Limit, value=12792
++[bytesQuota] returns ok
Does anyone has a clue?
Alexandre Chapellon a écrit :
> You're right, adding the name of my sqlcounter in the instantiate
> section lake it works.
> thx :)
> Alan DeKok a écrit :
>> Alexandre Chapellon wrote:
>>> whenever i launch freeradius -X I get the folloawing error:
>>> /etc/freeradius/users[205]: Parse error (check) for entry scott: Invalid
>>> octet string "101" for attribute name "Max-Traffic"
>> The modules are initialized in *order*. The sqlcounter module creates
>> the attributes on the fly. But... it can't do this if it hasn't been
>> run yet.
>>> Line 205 is the line where user scott is defined in users files.
>>> I have tryed setting up my own dictionnary (which i think shouldn't be
>>> needed) with the Max-Traffic attribute defined as interger
>>> ATTRIBUTE Max-Traffic 1 integer
>> That isn't the correct dictionary file format, but it's not relevant,
>> either.
>>> But that doesn't help. I have read all over the web that sqlcounter with
>>> mysql are considered as stable enough for production , so am quite
>>> surprised of this issue...
>>> Any idea?
>> List "sqlcounter" in the "instantiate" section. It will be
>> initialized before the "users" file is read.
>> Alan DeKok.
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