sqlcounters for traffic

Alexandre Chapellon alexandre.chapellon at mana.pf
Tue Sep 9 20:38:58 CEST 2008

Good it's sent in the reply to the nas! Thx
But the sqlcounter i setup was supposed to reset every hours , but
apparently doesn't...
Where can i take a look to find out why?
Is it supposed to update the database to reset counters (which seems a
bad solution to me) or does freeradius maintain separate counters
elsewhere, using accounting database to feed them?

Alan DeKok a écrit :
> Alexandre Chapellon wrote:
>> Here is the full debug  outputed during the auth query/reply
> ...
>> rlm_sqlcounter: Sent Reply-Item for user scott,
>> Type=Session-Traffic-Limit, value=12694
> ...
>> Sending Access-Accept of id 201 to port 37792
>>     Session-Traffic-Limit = ""
>   That's the problem.  Looking at dictionary.redback,
> Session-Traffic-Limit is a string.  It's not an integer counter.
>   If you do really want to use Session-Traffic-Limit, you will have to
> change sqlcounter to use a *different* attribute in the reply, such as
> Tmp-Integer-0, which is a server-side attribute.  Then use "unlang" in
> post-auth to copy it to Session-Traffic-Limit:
> 	update reply {
> 		Session-Traffic-Limit = "%{reply:Tmp-Integer-0}"
> 	}
>   That should work.
>   Alan DeKok.
> -
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