Out of memory problem

Jean Carlos Oliveira Guandalini jean.guandalini at corp.visaonet.com.br
Wed Sep 10 15:52:57 CEST 2008

I am using the version 1.1.7 with authentication / accounting in mysql
The problem is that the use of memory increasing until it is exhausted:

dmesg messages:
Out of Memory: Killed process 28272 (radiusd).
Out of Memory: Killed process 1149 (radiusd).
Out of Memory: Killed process 1155 (radiusd).

The problem can only be solved restarting or reloading the radiusd.
After restarting, the use of memory back to normal.

It is a bug in version? Kernel problem ??? (kernel version is 2.6.15)


Sorry for my english

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