Logging problem

Norbert Wegener norbert.wegener at siemens.com
Fri Sep 12 10:59:48 CEST 2008

Thanks, that works.

Norbert Wegener

Alan DeKok schrieb:
> Norbert Wegener wrote:
>> If fear not...
>   Hmm... if this is in the "authenticate" section, then the rules are
> different.  The authenticate section is processed by selecting *one*
> module / section from the list.  That *one* module is processed.
>   So if you have:
> authenticate {
>         eap
>         foo
> }
>   Then "eap" is run for Auth-Type = eap.  "foo" is not used, and any
> failure / noop / whatever of "eap" does NOT cause it to fall through to
> "foo".
>   The solution is to wrap it in an Auth-Type block:
> authenticate {
>         Auth-Type eap {
>                 eap {
>                         invalid = 1
>                 }
>                 if ( invalid ) {
>                         ...
>                 }
>         }
>         foo
> }
>   In this case, the "eap" *section* will be processed.  The contents
> will be treated just as if they were being run in the "authorize"
> section.  So the default action for "invalid" has to be changed in order
> for it to fall through, and continue processing.
>   Alan DeKok.
> -
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