Issue with a new module and radiusd: symbol lookup error

Alan DeKok aland at
Tue Sep 23 14:36:06 CEST 2008

Luca Adamo wrote:
> My troubles started when I decided to implement a new module. My module
> has a structure similar to the sql module in fact it is used to query a
> MySQL database. I have been able to make this module connect to the
> database and to perform some operation on the reply packet during the
> postauth phase (basically adding attributes).

  Source code questions usually belong on freeradius-devel.

> I also wanted to use this module, rlm_wimax_qos, in the authorize phase
> but here I got stuck because a symbol lookup error. 
> /rlm_sql (wimax_qos): Attempting to connect to root at localhost:/radiusDB/
> /radiusd: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/
> undefined symbol: sql_init_socketpool/

  You've deleted that function from the module source code.  Don't do that.

> If someone has a clue everything is welcome, and If more details are
> needed I can do my best to provide them.

  You don't need to edit the source code to change the SQL schema or
queries.  Just change the SQL schema and queries in the configuration
files.  That's why the queries are in text form:  to let you edit them.

  Could you post the schema you're using, and a high-level description
of what you are trying to do?

  Alan DeKok.

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