..::Errors initializing modules::..
Ing. Alfonso Reyes
alfonso.reyes at aztecagenecom.serveftp.net
Tue Sep 23 22:35:12 CEST 2008
Hi team.
I'm having some issues with the configuration of the radius server, I'm
getting the following: Error Initializing Modules.
The thing is that my radius server has no issues with the configuration
(eap.conf), and the instalation was succesful with mysql.
I've checked the database looking for more information with no luck, I just
found those two points and they are ok.
Attached configuration files and error.
eap.txt correspond to the conf file found on the /etc/raddb/eap.conf
Eap2.txt correspond to the conf file found on the
Any ideas?
Thanks for your help.
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