ippool management and cluster

Alexandre Chapellon alexandre.chapellon at mana.pf
Fri Sep 26 21:06:52 CEST 2008

tnt at kalik.net a écrit :
>> Why enabling replication? Isn't it possible to have one centralized
>> database for all radius server?
> Ahem, even a single radius server is so much faster than the database.
> That arrangement is doomed.

Well, actually here is how i wanted to set things up:

Each radius have a local mysql database to locally store accounting data.
Each local database is replicated to a central database which couls be
used too as a redundancy for accounting if the local one fail (more over
centralized accounting database used to process customers request and/or
One centralized mysql database (on another mysql server maybe) to handle
IP allocation using rlm_sqlippool.

I have aproximatively 15000 users connected concurently. Does it seems
to you a too weak or inefficient setup?
While my priority is high-availability

> Ivan Kalik
> Kalik Informatika ISP
> -
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