EAP/TTLS : Issue while trying to proxy inner request and to use post proxy filter

Thomas Fagart tfagart at brozs.net
Wed Apr 8 01:49:54 CEST 2009


Sorry to post again for the same subject, but I guess I haven't been 
very clear in my last question to the list, so I'm trying to ask it 

I've done some drawing that illustrate the settings I've tried and also 
provide the whole log, that could be seen here


In Setup 1 (one radius with local authentication) everything is fine


In setup 2 (inner request proxy to ISP radius that will answer with 
Wimax Attribute)

-> In that case Wholesale Radius will discard Wimax attributes contains 
in the access accept from the ISP radius during the proxification, so 
that the access accept does not have all the wanted access acccept.
I'm trying to understand why.


In setup 3 (which is the solution I would like to use, ie inner request 
proxy to ISP radius, and Wimax attributes are being added after 
receiving the access accept from ISP Radius)
-> In that case Wholesale Radius will add some of the wanted attribute 
but not all the one that are in  attrs
I'm also trying to know why.




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