performance freeradius with psql (auth only)

Uwe Kastens kiste at
Thu Apr 23 08:29:41 CEST 2009

>> There is no change in that values, if I increase the max database
>> connections. So I think it might be a problem, that there are not enough
>> requests produced from the radclient(s) aprox 800 per minute.
>> Could that be?
> Yes. Database will start coming into play with some 100 requests per
> second. Single client on localhost should be able to handle that.

OK, thats strange. One radclient only generates 15 requests per sec in
my tests - and causes load on the system. The 100 requests per sec were
"statefull" or fire and forget without parsing the answer?

Thanks for help




kiste lat: 54.322684, lon: 10.13586

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