freeradius with active directory

Ivan Kalik tnt at
Mon Apr 27 20:37:24 CEST 2009

> Yes it is ntlm_auth for ms-chap i have confofigured but i still have the
> same response.Idon't know why.

Because - you are *not* following the instructions.

> 2009/4/27 bastardinho69 <bastardinho69 at>
>> David N'DAKPAZE wrote:
>>> hello,
>>> I am configuring freeradius for authentication with active
>>> directory.I've
>>> used
>>> but
>>> freeradius reject all the requests because of no known password.It what
>>> i have when i make a request:
>>>  Ready to process requests.
>>> rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 51084, id=198,
>>> length=61
>>>        User-Name = "azerty"
>>>        User-Password = "uiop"
>>>        NAS-IP-Address =
>>>        NAS-Port = 0
>>> +- entering group authorize {...}
>>> ++[preprocess] returns ok
>>> ++[chap] returns noop
>>> [suffix] No '@' <mailto:%27@%27> in User-Name = "azerty", looking up
>>> realm NULL
>>> [suffix] No such realm "NULL"
>>> ++[suffix] returns noop

>>> ++[files] returns noop

How did that happen? If you did this:

"and add the following text for testing purposes only to the top of the
users file.

DEFAULT     Auth-Type = ntlm_auth"

Just follow the instructions.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

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