Escaping things

Stun Box stunbox at
Sat Aug 15 10:24:42 CEST 2009

but the server does the escaping stuff for \t in the access and
accounting packets received,
and for the \n only for access and *not* for accounting. Is that a bug
 or I misconfigured something ?

Thanks for reading,

2009/8/14 Alan DeKok <aland at>:
> Stun Box wrote:
>> The mystery is why there is two backslash for each "User-Name"
>> excepted in the accounting request ? (I ask, because it does the mess
>> in my sql base for accounting).
>  Because the server understands \t, ", and \n in strings.  For this to
> work, it has to treat the backslash character as special.
>  Alan DeKok.
> -
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