XP client can not authenticate in Radius Server - HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hilton Guaraldi guaraldi at gmail.com
Tue Aug 18 19:44:21 CEST 2009

Hi ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did more then 20 openssl commands in order to issue a CA for tests...
Howto in http://www.linuxjournal.com/node/8095/print and
http://www.linuxjournal.com/node/8151/print. I DID ALL THE COMMANDS!!!

XP client do not authenticate :-(
Do I need users file???
What the correct sintaxe for login guaraldi and password mudar123?

I defined users file like:
guaraldi       Auth-Type := EAP, Cleartext-Password == "mudar123"

CA defined in OPENSSL!!! Radius server stop displaying "can not get
issuer certificate" and "unknow CA"
Server certificate signed!!!
Client certificate defined!!!

XP with cacert.pem and client_cert.p12!!!!!!!!!!!! I did not use ca.der ....

XP Config with EAP to Smartcard or other certificates TLS and so on...

AP with WPA/TKIP with 802.1x to port 1812. OK!!! It works...

Why XP do not authenticate with radius???

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